The Cat Mom that had been missing for quite a long time, appeared all of a sudden again. Her appearance made me shock and worry. She is pregnant again and she is going to deliver very soon!
几个月前,当我开始养彪胆康斑时,我已经打算要养猫大娘终老。 可是当彪胆康斑4个月大时,她却突然离开了。在1个风雨交加的傍晚,她出现在我家门前,我就顺便请她吃晚餐。过后她又再度失踪。
Few months ago, when I adopted Bill, Dan, Kang and Bun (4 four little kittens), I actually decided to take care of Cat Mom as well. However, when my kittens were about 4 months old, she suddenly disappeared. In a rainy evening, she came back home. I treated her with nice kibbles. After that, again, she disappeared again.
现在,她大着肚子回来。怎么办?我现在养着彪胆康斑4只小猫侠,最近又多了个小博士, 我已经无法再收容猫咪了, 钱和时间都是个很大的问题。而且,如果我们那区出现过多的猫,会被管理层警告的,因为我们那边by right是不可以养宠物的。如果管理层看到过多的猫出现,当他们插手要来抓猫时,我的彪胆康斑就会被连累。
Now, she is back with her super duper big stomach. I have already owned 5 little kittens ( I just adopted Dr last 2 weeks). I cannot afford to adopt anymore kittens. Money and time could be a big problems now. Further more, if our housing area has too much stray cats, the authority may take action, because pets and stray cats/dogs are not allowed in our housing area. If the authority really catch the stray cats the kill them, then my Bill, Dan, Kang and Bun will be the victims also.
如果我不把这问题解决的话,真的会后患无穷。彪胆康斑是住在屋子外面的(他们不要住在屋子里面),所以他们的碗都放在屋子门口。我每天早上出门上班时,会在猫碗内放猫粮给彪胆康斑。彪胆康斑吃猫粮时不会1口气吃完,他们都是吃了1点,跑跑跳跳过后再来吃1点,然后又去跑跑跳跳。我没有时间看他们吃完才去上班, 在加上彪胆康斑在早餐时间有时会3缺1的。在酱的情况下,如果猫大娘生了孩子然后带着1大票孩子出现在我家们吃了彪胆康斑的猫粮,我的彪胆康斑就得挨饿了。我绝对不容徐其他猫害我的彪胆康斑挨饿。
If I do not figure out how to resolve this issue now, the impact will be greater in the future. My Bill, Dan, Kang and Bun are staying outside my house (they refuse to stay inside my house). Therefore, their dining bowls are put in front of my house. Every morning before I go out to work, I will put the kibbles into the 4 bowls for them. They will not finish the kibbles 1 shot. They will eat a little bit, then play for a while, after that come back to eat a little bit, then play for a while......Too bad I do not have much time to watch them finish all teh kibbles, furthermore sometimes they will not appear in front of my house at the same times. In such situation, if Cat Mom brings her latest litter of kittens come to my house to eat the left over kibbles, then my own kittens will need to starve.
最好的办法就是把将要出世的小猫送出去。有谁要领养小猫吗?我暂时还不知道猫大娘会生几只小猫。看她的肚子酱大,最少都有4-6只。我相信这批新的小猫素质应该不错,应为我的彪胆康斑很乖,每天早上我和叶先生要出门时彪胆康斑就会好像4大护卫那样送我们到停车场。 当我放工回家时,他们也会护送我到家门口。
The best way is to let other people to adopt the upcoming newborn kittens. Who is interested to adopt kittens? So far, I still do not know how many kittens there will be. Judging from her super duper big stomach, I have a wild guess that this litter is going to have 4-6 kittens. I believe this upcoming litter of kittens should have quite good quality because my Bill, Dan, Kang and Bun are very good. Every morning when Mr Yap and I go out to work, they will excort us to the car park just like our bodyguards. When I reach home, they will escort me to my house as well.
如果有人愿意领养猫大娘这胎小猫(4-6)只,我就送他两包1.5KG的Whiskas猫粮, 再附送1只猫大娘。如果只是想领养一、两只小猫, 也是欢迎。
If you are willing to adopt the upcoming new litter of kittens (I still not sure how many kittens there will be, shoud be 4-6 kittens), I will give away 2 packs of Whiskas kibbles (1.5Kg per pack) for free, and you can take away Cat Mom too. If you only want to adopt 1 or 2 kittens, you are welcomed and please do not hesitate to contact me.
After the upcoming newborn kittens has been delivered, they need to drink Cat Mom's milk until they reach the age of 2 months, then only they can be adopted. If you are interested to adopt the kittens, you can leave the messege in advance here.
If you are not interested to adopt kittens, please help to pass this msg to other people. Zillian thanks.
- Sep 29 Mon 2008 13:07
谁要领养小猫咪?Kittens Adoption (Free)