目前分類:维也纳 。Vienna (5)

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Besides music, Viennese coffee and confection are as famous as Parisian's. Hope to experience how the royal family and the ancient upper class enjoy the hi tea? You can pay a visit to the Cafe Demel, which is located at Kohlmarkt 14. The cafe is a legend, stands there for more than 100 years. Cafe Demel was royal confectioner for Habsburg royal family. Since the opening of the cafe, it attracted a lot of upper class.

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Stephansdom was built over 800 years ago and the it is the second highest Gothic cathedral of the world. The Baroque chapel was built thereafter. Like the coloured roof, covered by 230,000 glazed tiles. I found similar colored roof in other places within Vienna. The cathedral looks dark......Since we saw a lot of churches in Paris and Rome, hence we did not go into Stephansdom.

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We just walked here and there and finally we came to: Kartnerstrasse. Every city lay a trap for tourists. The trap is: shopping street. Kartnerstrasse is a famous shopping street in Vienna, and successfully make tourists spend like hell here. Here, you can find fine works shops, restaurants, souvenirs shops and open air coffee shops.

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The train was slowly leaving Venice, heading to our next destination : Vienna, Austria. Again, we had an overnight train but the only difference was: We were in the first class cabin. It was spacious and comfortable. The next day, I waked up early in the morning and I found that we were already in Austria. Mr Yap told me that the train broke down last night but I was sleeping tight. Oh my god! We only had twice overnight train (previously we took overnight train from Paris to Rome) in Europe and both broke down! In other word, the probability of the overnight train to be broken down was 100%! We were "lucky" enough!

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