
From Piazza Navona, we were heading to Piazza Spagna. No matter off peak or peak seasons, you always see a big crowd of people sit on the famous Scalla di Spagna (The Spanish Steps). The characteristic of Piazza Spagna is definitely the elegent, offcenter sweep of staircase.

我们从拉沃纳广场, 往西班牙广场的方向前进。在这里,无论是旅游淡季或旺季,都是人潮涌涌。那些人就坐在这里出名的西班牙阶梯。这阶梯的特点就是它那弧型线条。


Another most important thing here: La Barcaccia, designed by Bernini. Bernini designed the fountain as a memorial to Romans, because once there was a flood and after the flood there was a small rescue boat stucked at the location where the fountain stood. This is has been the famous landmark gather point for people.

除了西班牙阶梯之外,这里的另一个重要景点就是这:破船喷泉, 贝尼尼的作品。破船喷泉的设计灵感源自一场水灾, 水灾退去后在喷泉的所在位置留下了一艘卡在泥泞中的小小救援船,于是贝尼尼就根据这个事件设计了喷泉的形式,纪念以坚毅和相互扶持度过难关的罗马人。这破船喷泉已经成为了地标,是朋友集合的地点。


There are alot of famous shopping streets in this area.



See, now you know why I said this area is CROWDED?Here, you can find Armani, Versace, Valentino, Prada and many other brands concept stores. Besides that, for people who aim for budget shopping, you can pay a visit to a nearby street Via di Gesu e Maria. No16 is a discount shop : Disount Dell Alta Moda. For me, I think that the stuff still expensive even after discount because we do not earn Euro, but Ringgit.

看,终于知道为什么我说这里人山人海吧?在这里,你可以找到Armani, Versace, Valentino, Prada 以及其他名牌的旗舰店。至于那些没有什么预算可是却又还是想买名牌的人,则可以在附近的一条小街Via di Gesu e Maria, 门牌16号的名牌折扣店 Discount Dell Alta Moda去看看。 我个人认为,就算是折扣了也是贵,因为我们的薪水不是欧币, 是烂马币。


At the south of the piazza, stood the Collonna dell Immacolata. Every 8th Dec, the pope will come over here and the firefighter will climb to the top to put the flower on Mary's head, as a memorial of the Immaculate Conception.

这柱子位于西班牙广场的南面, 教宗每年的12月8日都回到此纪念圣母处女怀孕的神迹,由消防员爬上柱子将花冠戴在圣母的头上。


Tell you up front it is EXPENSIVE~



Delicious chestnut. We could not resist the tempting aroma and thus we bought some to taste.



To be continued. Rome Italy Part 7 : Piazza Popolo

待续 意大利罗马(七)之波波洛广场

更多罗马的游记 。More about Rome:
意大利罗马(一)。 Rome Italy Part 1
意大利罗马(二)之梵蒂冈篇 。 Rome Italy Part 2: Vatican
意大利罗马(三)之许愿池篇 。 Rome Italy Part 3: Fontana di Trevi
意大利罗马(四)之完神殿篇 。 Rome Italy Part 4: Pantheon
意大利罗马(五)之拉沃纳广场篇 。Rome Italy Part 5: Piazza Navona
意大利罗马(七)之波波洛广场 。 Rome Italy Part 7 : Piazza Popolo

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    Jayce-ism 四百卡内瘦(So) Skinny

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