昨天,叶先生的作品已经被publish出来了, 在9月份的 IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks (IEEE-TNN), Volume 19, No9。其实,几个月前他已经收到email知道自己的作品通过了。
这本Journal的Impact Factor (IF)蛮高的。Impact Factor (IF)的意思大约是:
Impact Factor (IF) : Well known & well accept standard statistic/calculation done by Thompson, statistic done yearly.
这本Journal近两年的Impact Factor 如下(用英文届时,因为不懂怎样把那些技术词翻译成中文):
Year 2006
IF = 2.62
Rank = 13th out of 206 E&E journals (these 206 journals are in the list, there are many other journal not even in the list of IF, meaning never dare to participant the survey because never have any impact factor)
IF = 2.71xxx (not sure the xxx, small number anyway, increase again compare to 2006)
Rank = 7th out of (about) 206 E&E journal (increase again, but not sure total how many journal in the list for 2007, should be about 206)
Rank = 3rd in Computer Science - Theory & Methods (not sure total how many journals in this category)
Rank = 7th in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence (not sure total how many journals in this category)
Year 2008
IF for 2008 will be published June/July 2009.
为了这篇东西,叶先生从2006年尾到今年初都忙到半死,每个星期只能见我最多6个小时, 也就是每个星期五晚上8点到半夜12点, 扣除了睡觉时间,1直到星期六早上他中午12点起床,然后我们去吃午餐,加起来真的最多只有6个小时。所以,这篇东西,也是有我的血和泪!虽然我不是很明白这篇东西在讲什么。