This is our second day in Venice. We had buffet breakfast in the garden of the guesthouse. The so call "buffet breakfast" had different type of breads, jams, butters, cheese and bacon. Last night was cold. In Europe, we did not go out at night because we were not so familiar there and we both actually did not like night life. Therefore, we always went to bed early, to ensure we both were energetic for the next day itinerary. This photo, we took it near our guesthouse. Well, it's rare for us to use tripod. Previously, when we were in Rome, we did not even have a chance to take photo so, due to the insecure feeling in Rome.
- Mar 02 Mon 2009 22:13
意大利威尼斯(二)。Venice Italy Part 2
- Feb 28 Sat 2009 12:51
- Feb 26 Thu 2009 23:22
意大利威尼斯(一)。Venice Italy Part 1
Seeing that much of masks, which city that you will relate them to? Haha! We were in Venice, a place where many people think it's romantic. Actually, we left Rome at about 650AM by taking Eurorail at the Roma Termini, heading to Station Venezia Santa Lucia. When we arrived at Venice, already about 1130AM. It's a city in a stunning lagoon. We walked to our guesthouse. Yes, we could only walked because there was no cars. We had been trying to look for the guesthouse for quite some time. Finally, we managed to locate it. I could not recall the name of the guesthouse, I just remember there was a violin (without string) hanged on the wall. The guesthouse was really small, only have few rooms. We left our luggage there and went out.
- Feb 24 Tue 2009 21:52
意大利罗马(八)之梵蒂冈博物馆 (完结篇) 。 Rome Italy Part (8) : Musei Del Vanticano (The End)
After we left Piazza Popolo, again we came to Vatican, because the Musei del Vaticano was closed yesterday. The Musei del Vaticano is a MUST SEE tourist spot here. The popes have been contributing great efforts in collecting all the artifacts from every corner of the world. The most interesting thing is: I saw a lot of artifacts that I ever read about in my Sejarah Dunia in 4th Form.
- Feb 21 Sat 2009 18:55
Steakout Steakhouse
其实,在农历新年过后开工的第一个星期,我和一班同事去Bandar Puteri Puchong的Steakout Steakhouse吃午餐当开工宴。
- Feb 21 Sat 2009 17:34
San Francisco Pizza (Bangi)
每当我去Bandar Baru Bangi的兽医店时, 都会经过这间几天前San Francisco Pizza。可是,每次也都是经过而已。 几天前我和叶先生终于到这家餐厅吃晚餐。我好像是中了意大利的毒,每次看到pizza店都想进去吃,看看是否能找到罗马pizza的那个感觉。
- Feb 20 Fri 2009 16:24
顶你不顺 :峰回路转篇
- Feb 20 Fri 2009 13:03
- Feb 18 Wed 2009 21:17
意大利罗马(七)之波波洛广场 。 Rome Italy Part 7: Piazza Popolo
Not so far away from the Piazza Spagna, there is Piazza del Popolo. The first thing that draw your attention away, when you just arrive here, is the famous Twin Churches: separated by the Via del Corso, Santa Maria di Montesanto at the left while Santa Maria dei Miracoli at the right. In 17th Century, Bernini purposely designed the identical churches in order to let the piazza to have something special. When you check it precisely, you can find that the dome at the left is oval while the dome at the right is round. Yes, there are many differences if you are willing to check it thoroughly.
- Feb 15 Sun 2009 21:29
情人节:Jarrod & Rawlins Restaurant (Sri Hartamas)
情人节的早上我上网寻找晚餐的地点,我最后决定去Jarrod & Rawlins餐厅。我打了电话去订了位子。本来打算去Damansara Height的那间,可是已经fully book了。幸好, Sri Hartamas那间还有位。我订了晚上7点。